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5 skincare trends and treatments that may backfire on your skin


5 skincare trends and treatments that may backfire on your skin

New skincare technology and trends emerge on a regular basis, each promising younger, brighter, and clearer skin than before.

Acupuncture, blood draws, the use of harsh exfoliating products, and other procedures are not all beneficial or beneficial to your skin.

Here are five skincare fads that might harm your complexion.


Microneedling, also known as collagen induction treatment, is a minimally invasive cosmetic technique in which tiny, sterilized needles linked to a roller puncture the skin.

Small wounds, according to the notion, stimulate your body to manufacture more collagen and elastin, which heals your skin and makes you seem younger.

In fact, if not done properly by a trained professional, this approach might induce irritation and scarring. If you use it at home, you may have poor cleanliness, incorrect needle depth, excessive pressure, and other issues.

Contour of Sunscreen:

  • Contouring the sun is based on the premise that applying sunscreen just to the regions of the face you want to emphasize will give you a natural contour effect when the rest of the fake tan is exposed.
  • This does, however, imply that a significant section of your skin is exposed to the sun without protection, resulting in irreparable damage from free radicals and other factors.
  • Always use sunscreen and reapply as needed. The greatest way to contour is to use makeup.

Suction of the pores:

  1. The notion of using a suction device to clean the pores and remove fat and impurities seems to be highly hazardous since it leaves bruises in the skin and broken blood vessels, which may lead to permanent skin damage.
  2. When used for a long period, strong pulling causes a lot of wear and tear on the skin.
  3. To eliminate obstinate pollutants and sebum plugs, it's preferable to undertake a natural cleansing using oils and natural solutions.

Peeling a hard apple:

We all have a tendency to rub off our skin's weary, dead top layer to reveal dazzling, baby-smooth skin underneath. Scrubs that are rough and harsh are not the way to go. Because most exfoliators may easily produce small rips in the skin, resulting in redness, irritation, and a coarser texture. Gentler options, such as konjac face sponges, may be used to gently exfoliate dead skin cells.

At the same time, several treatments:

You may believe that using several masks or treatments to address different skin conditions is a good idea, but you should match the product to different sections of your face for the best results. But it may be expensive, not to mention the danger of greater discomfort and unheard-of adverse effects if the components don't work well together.
