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The World’s Most Explosive Muscle Building Factor


The World’s Most Explosive Muscle Building Factor

The arguments over bodybuilding will never stop. The ongoing debates about the optimal framework of a successful muscle-building regimen will almost certainly continue till the end of time. Simply browse Internet discussion forums, peruse muscle magazines, or speak with a sales representative at your local supplement shop. Regardless of whom you speak with or what you read, it seems as if everyone is an expert these days.

If everyone is an expert, certain in their own views and convictions, how is a novice to know who to listen to? He or she is immediately faced with an infinite number of seemingly unanswerable questions.

How many days per week should I train? How many sets per muscle group should I perform? What rep range should I use? Which workouts are the most efficient in stimulating muscle growth? How much will the period of my workouts be?

These inquiries continue until the individual is convinced that muscle development is an endlessly complicated process requiring rocket science accuracy and a thorough knowledge of human physiology. That is, after all, what it takes to develop muscle, correct? Wrong! Believe me, there are answers to these critical issues, and if you are ready to invest the time and effort necessary to discover them, you will most certainly find them. However, it is not the subject of this essay.

You see, in the middle of all the turmoil and lengthy debate, the vast majority of lifters lose sight of the larger picture. Beyond the particular workout concepts such as rep range and exercise selection, there is one critical principle that underpins the muscular development process. Without paying close attention to this concept, or worse, ignoring it entirely, muscle development becomes almost impossible.

The basic conclusion is that muscles respond to stress by growing. When you exercise in the gym and lift weights, you cause microtears in the muscular tissue. Your body interprets this as a potential danger to its existence and responds by expanding the size and strength of muscle fibers in preparation for a future assault. Thus, to maintain muscle growth and strength, you must concentrate on improving each week, either by lifting slightly more weight or completing an additional rep or two. This way, your body will continue to adapt and develop in response to the growing stress.

Muscle development is all about strength development!

The World’s Most Explosive Muscle Building Factor

Therefore, what is the best effective muscle-building tool now available? Simply said, it is a pen and a scrap of paper!

Each time you visit the gym, you must record your precise accomplishments and then try to improve on them the following week. If you are not always improving, you will either remain the same or deteriorate. Each week, you should have a detailed plan of attack ready to go. You cannot afford to begin tossing weights about haphazardly without a specific objective in mind.

While the details of muscle development are critical to comprehend and execute, regardless of the kind of training you presently use, the ultimate determining factor between success and failure is advancement. You may spend all day debating particular concepts, but the basic fact is that if you aren’t growing stronger each week, you aren’t going to become larger. Conduct a thorough examination of your training methodology. If you haven’t been paying close attention to the amount of weight you’re using, the number of repetitions you’re doing, and then trying with every ounce of your energy to increase those numbers each week, you’re totally missing the point of muscle development. If you want to see the greatest increases in muscle growth and strength possible, the most essential weapon in your arsenal is a pen and a piece of paper.
