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8 Proven Methods for Getting More Muscle

8 Proven Methods for Getting More Muscle

 There is so much contradictory information available on the subject of muscle development that it may be tough to know where to begin. If you’re an average novice searching for some fundamental gym rules, the following eight things will get you started.

1) Lift Weights and Concentrate on Compound and Free Weight Movements


If you want to achieve significant increases in muscle growth and strength, you must train only with free weights and concentrate on fundamental, compound movements. A compound workout is any movement that engages several muscle groups simultaneously. The squat, deadlift, bench press, chin up, barbell row, overhead press, dip, and lunge are all examples of these exercises. Compound motions enable you to lift the most weight and activate the most muscle fibers.

2) Be Prepared To Train Intensively.


One of the primary variables that distinguish individuals who make moderate improvements from those who make significant advances is the intensity of their training. To fully activate your muscle fibers, you must be willing to push each session in the gym to the brink of physical failure.

Muscular Failure: The point at which no further repetitions with correct form can be performed.

Sub-maximal training intensity, pure and simple, will result in sub-maximal outcomes.

3) Monitor Your Week-to-Week Progress at the Gym.

8 Proven Methods for Getting More Muscle

Our bodies develop muscles in response to environmental stimuli. When you go to the gym, you use weights to tear down your muscle fibers. Your body interprets this as a potential danger to its existence and responds appropriately by rebuilding the damaged fibers bigger and stronger in order to ward off any future threats. Therefore, in order to maintain consistent increases in muscle growth and strength, you must constantly concentrate on week-to-week improvement in the gym. This may involve adding one or two repetitions to each exercise or increasing the weight on the bar. Maintain a thorough workout diary to monitor your improvement as your strength grows.

4) Avoid Excessive Overtraining.

When it comes to muscular growth and strength, overtraining is your worst enemy. When the majority of individuals begin a fitness regimen, they are led to believe that more is better. They intuitively believe that the more time they spend in the gym, the greater their outcomes will be. Nothing could be farther from the truth when it comes to muscle development! Spending an excessive amount of time at the gym will actually move you farther away from your objectives rather than closer to them. Bear in mind that your muscles do not develop at the gym; they grow outside of it, while you sleep and eat. Recovery is critical for muscular development. Without enough recuperation time between exercises, your muscles will never have a chance to develop.

5) Consume Food More Frequently.

The primary area in which the majority of individuals fall short of their muscle-building goals is in the all-too-critical job of adequate nourishment. Weight training is just half of the puzzle! While you are breaking down your muscle fibers at the gym, if you do not supply your body with the right nutrients at the appropriate times, muscular development will be almost impossible. You should consume between 5-7 meals each day, spaced every 2-3 hours, in order to maintain an anabolic, muscle-building condition in your body at all times. Each meal should include a good source of protein and a variety of complex carbs.

6) Incorporate More Protein Into Your Diet.

Protein is without a doubt the most essential of the three macronutrients (protein, carbs, and fats) for individuals seeking to increase muscle growth and strength. Protein is present in virtually every single one of your body’s 30 trillion cells, and its primary function is to create and repair bodily tissues. Without an adequate protein intake, your body will be physiologically incapable of synthesizing a substantial quantity of lean muscle mass. Consider protein as the bricks of your body. Consume 1-1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight per day from high-quality sources such as fish, chicken, eggs, meat, milk, peanut butter, and cottage cheese.

7) Incorporate More Water into Your Diet.

If you’re looking for a simple, straightforward, and extremely effective method to optimize your muscle growth, increasing your water intake is it. Water is essential to the body in so many ways that its significance cannot be emphasized. Indeed, your muscles are 70% water! Consuming extra water will not only make your muscles look fuller and more vascular, but it will also improve your strength. Simply a 4% decrease in your body’s water content has been proven to have a 10%-20% effect on muscular contractions! Consume 0.6 ounces of protein for every pound of body weight each day to maximize growth.

8) Maintain Consistency!


Consistency is critical. The individuals who achieve the greatest increases in muscle growth and strength are those who are able to consistently use the correct methods. Simply knowing is insufficient; you must also apply!

Muscle development occurs as a consequence of a series of tiny stages. True, adding one rep to your bench press will not significantly improve your total performance, nor will eating a single meal. However, over time, all of those additional repetitions and little meals will determine your total performance. If you work diligently and consistently complete all of your muscle-building activities, those individual stages will add up to significant increases in total size and strength.
